كما يقال .. لكل شيئ ايجابيات وسلبيات ... حتى فوز اورتن باللقب ..
بينما ظهرت ملامح الفرح والسرور على وجه اورتن ومشجعيه
بالمقابل كانت علامات الغضب واضحة على وجه كريستيان ومشجعيه
الذين لم يكتفون باظهار ملامح الغضب .. بل بدأو بإزعاج اورتن
وذلك بالتعلقيت بعبارات غاضبة على حسابه الخاص على موقع تويتر
بينما اكتفى اورتن بالقول ان هاذا شيئ طبيعي كنتيجة للتغير من الرو إلى سماك داون
إلا ان ردود مشجعي كريستيان بدأت تأخد اتجاه هجومي ضد اورتن
وكان كريس جيريكو قد حاول تهدأة الوضع قائلا لمشجعي كريستيان ..
" هل فكرتم ان هذا قد يكون بداية لقصة كبيرة جدا "
بينما لم يقم كريستيان بالتعليق على اي شيئ مطلقا
As they say .. For everything the pros and cons ... Orton to win the title ..
Appeared while the features of joy and happiness on the face of Orton and their fans
In contrast the signs of anger and clear on the face of Christian fans
Who were not satisfied by showing the features of anger .. But have begun to disturb Orton
This Baltagayt angry words on his own account on Twitter
While only saying that Orton Hama something natural result of the change of Alro to SmackDown
However, the responses of Christian fans began an offensive against the thing for taking the direction of Orton
The Chris Jericho Tahedoh had tried to put it to Christian fans ..
"Do you think this may be the beginning of the story of a very large"
While Christian does not have to comment on anything at all
As they say .. For everything the pros and cons ... Orton to win the title ..
Appeared while the features of joy and happiness on the face of Orton and their fans
In contrast the signs of anger and clear on the face of Christian fans
Who were not satisfied by showing the features of anger .. But have begun to disturb Orton
This Baltagayt angry words on his own account on Twitter
While only saying that Orton Hama something natural result of the change of Alro to SmackDown
However, the responses of Christian fans began an offensive against the thing for taking the direction of Orton
The Chris Jericho Tahedoh had tried to put it to Christian fans ..
"Do you think this may be the beginning of the story of a very large"
While Christian does not have to comment on anything at all
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