بدا راندي اورتن العرض محتفلا بفوزه بحزام البطولة في عرض Over The Limit
ولكن كريستيان لم ينتظر كثيرا حتى يقاطع حديث اورتن ليقوم بتقديم التهاني والمدح لاورتن
وثم قام بتحدي اورتن في مباراة لاخر مرة .. ولكن شايماس قاطع الحديث
وقام بالتحدث عن خسارة كريستيان .. وطلب فرصة للعب على اللقب .. ثم تبعه في الحديث مارك هنري
ثم خرج مدير العرض تيدي لونغ وسأل الجمهور اذا كان كريستيان يستحق مباراة اخرى ..
وثم قام بتحديد مباراة ثلاثية للحدث الرئيسي لتحديد المنافس الاول على حزام بطولة الوزن الثقيل
شيماس × مارك هنري × كريستيان
مباراة بين سين كارا ضد تشافو غيريرو
انتهت المباراة بفوز سين كارا .. بحركاته السريعة
خرج كودي رودز ومعه مساعديه والاكياس الورقية وبدأ بتوزيعها كالعادة ..
ثم قام دانيال برايان بمقاطعته .. لتبدأ المباراة المقررة بينهما
انتهت المباراة باستسلام كودي رودز وفوز دانيال برايان
ولكن كودي رودز استمر بمهاجمة دانيال برايان بعد المباراة
مباراة بين هييت سلايتر من فريق ذا كورد .. ضد ايزيكيل جاكسون
انتهت المباراة بفوز ايزيكيل جاكسون بسبب تدخل ذا كور
ومحاولتهم ضرب ايزيكيل .. ولكن ايزيكيل جاكسون تفوق عليهم هذه المرة
مبارة - كما أُطلق عليها مباراة العمالقة - ذا جريت كالي ضد كين
انتهت المباراة بفوز كين
ولكن بعد ذلك خرج جيندار ماحال مرة اخرى بكلامه الهندي الغير مفهوم
وقام بصفع ذا جريت كالي مرة اخرى ودفع كالي لضرب اخيه مرة اخرى
قام بوكر تي بالخروج إلى الحلبة وقام باستدعاء مايكل كول
وبدأ بالسخرية منه بعد خسارته ضد جيري لولر في عرض Over The Limit
مباراة بين أليشا فوكس و تامينا ضد ايه جي و كاتلين
انتهت المباراة بفوز أليشا فوكس مع تامينا
مباراة الحدث الرئيسي
شايماس × مارك هنري × كريستيان
ولكن في منتصف المباراة خرج راندي اورتن ليشاهد المباراة ..
قام مارك هنري اثناء وجدوه خارج الحلبة بدفع راندي اورتن بدون اي سبب
مما دفع اورتن للدخول إلى الحلبة بعد قليل وتوجيه ضربة ار كي اوه لمارك هنري
واثناء اخراج الحكم لاورتن .. ضاعت فرصة التثبيت لكريستيان
وقام شايماس باستغلال ذلك ليفوز في المباراة
وبذلك يكون المتحدي لراندي اورتن الاسبوع المقبل
Randy Orton appeared to display celebrating winning the championship belt in the presentation of Over The Limit
But Christian did not wait so much to interrupt the interview Orton provid congratulations and praise for Orton
The challenge then Orton in a match for the last time .. But the definitive modern Haemas
The Christian talk about the loss .. And request a chance to play for the title .. Then followed in the modern Mark Henry
Then came a display manager Teddy Long and asked the audience if Christian is another match ..
And then determine the three-match of the event to determine the main rival of the heavyweight championship belt
Himas × × Mark Henry, Christian
× × × ×
Kara-O match against Chavo Guerrero
The match ended in victory Sin Cara .. Respective movements fast
× × × ×
Cody Rhodes came out with him and his aides and bags of paper and began to distribute them as usual ..
Then by Daniel Bryan boycott .. Match scheduled to begin their
The match ended with the surrender of Cody Rhodes and the victory of Daniel Bryan
However, Cody Rhodes, Brian Daniel continued to attack after the match
× × × ×
Hej Slater match between a team from Cord .. Against Ezequiel Jackson
The match ended in victory Ezequiel Jackson due to the intervention The Core
And trying to hit Ezequiel .. But Ezequiel Jackson over them this time
× × × ×
Match - as it was called the Giants game - The Great Kali against Ken
The match ended in victory for Ken
But then came Gendar Mahal again his words, the concept of non-Indian
The slapping The Great Kali again and pay Cali to hit his brother again
× × × ×
Booker T has to go out to the ring and he summoned Michael Cole
And began to mock him after his loss against Jerry Lawler in the presentation of Over The Limit
× × × ×
Match between Alicia Fox and Tamina against AG and Kathleen
The match ended in victory with Alicia Fox, Tamina
× × × ×
Match the main event
Haemas × × Mark Henry, Christian
But in the middle of the match Randy Orton came out to watch the match ..
By Mark Henry while he found it outside the ring to pay Randy Orton for no reason
Prompting Orton to enter into the arena shortly after the strike NRK Oh to Mark Henry
During the government out of Orton .. Missed opportunity for the Christian installation
The Haemas exploit it to win the match
Thus, the challenger for Randy Orton next week
Randy Orton appeared to display celebrating winning the championship belt in the presentation of Over The Limit
But Christian did not wait so much to interrupt the interview Orton provid congratulations and praise for Orton
The challenge then Orton in a match for the last time .. But the definitive modern Haemas
The Christian talk about the loss .. And request a chance to play for the title .. Then followed in the modern Mark Henry
Then came a display manager Teddy Long and asked the audience if Christian is another match ..
And then determine the three-match of the event to determine the main rival of the heavyweight championship belt
Himas × × Mark Henry, Christian
× × × ×
Kara-O match against Chavo Guerrero
The match ended in victory Sin Cara .. Respective movements fast
× × × ×
Cody Rhodes came out with him and his aides and bags of paper and began to distribute them as usual ..
Then by Daniel Bryan boycott .. Match scheduled to begin their
The match ended with the surrender of Cody Rhodes and the victory of Daniel Bryan
However, Cody Rhodes, Brian Daniel continued to attack after the match
× × × ×
Hej Slater match between a team from Cord .. Against Ezequiel Jackson
The match ended in victory Ezequiel Jackson due to the intervention The Core
And trying to hit Ezequiel .. But Ezequiel Jackson over them this time
× × × ×
Match - as it was called the Giants game - The Great Kali against Ken
The match ended in victory for Ken
But then came Gendar Mahal again his words, the concept of non-Indian
The slapping The Great Kali again and pay Cali to hit his brother again
× × × ×
Booker T has to go out to the ring and he summoned Michael Cole
And began to mock him after his loss against Jerry Lawler in the presentation of Over The Limit
× × × ×
Match between Alicia Fox and Tamina against AG and Kathleen
The match ended in victory with Alicia Fox, Tamina
× × × ×
Match the main event
Haemas × × Mark Henry, Christian
But in the middle of the match Randy Orton came out to watch the match ..
By Mark Henry while he found it outside the ring to pay Randy Orton for no reason
Prompting Orton to enter into the arena shortly after the strike NRK Oh to Mark Henry
During the government out of Orton .. Missed opportunity for the Christian installation
The Haemas exploit it to win the match
Thus, the challenger for Randy Orton next week
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