بدأ العرض بظهور جون سنا .. ولكن قبل التحدث قاطعه اليكس رايلي
عرض اليكس رايلي فيديو للقطات التي يضرب فيها زا ميز جون سينا
ثم استمر اليكس رايلي وزا ميز بالحوار المعهود مع جون سينا
قام مدير العرض باعطاء فرصة لزا ميز .. ليحدد لعبة لجون سينا مع اي خصم يريد
لعب كوفي كنغستون مباراة مع سي ام بنك ..
انتهت المباراة بفوز سي ام بنك بضربة GTS
لعبت كيلي كيلي مبراة مع بري بيلا
انتهت المباراة بفوز كيلي كيلي ولكن بعد المبارة ..
قام التوأم بيلا بمهاجمة كيلي كيلي ..
حتى ظهرت كارما مرة اخرى واثناء توجهها نحو كيلي كيلي
قامت نيكي بمهاجمتها .. ولكن كارما كانت الاقوى
وثم توجهت مرة اخرى نحو كيلي كيلي .. ولكن لم تهاجمها
خرج ري مستيريو .. ليطلب تحدي من ار تروث بعد ان هاجمه الاسبوع السابق
ولكن ار تروث لم يسجب له .. ولكن استجاب البرتو دالريو
ثم لعب الاثنان مبارة انتهت بفوز ري مستيريو بسبب تدخل المعلق الخاص بألبرتو دالريو
بعد المباراة .. قام ار تروث بمهاجمة ري مستيريو .. ثم وافق على التحدي للعب في Over The Limit
بدا بعد ذلك توقيع العقد بين جيري لولر و مايكل كول على المباراة في Over The Limit
بحيث لو فاز مايكل كول يقوم جيري لولر بإعطائة الخاتم الخاص به
وجيري لولر .. استطاع تخريب العلاقية بين مايكل كول وجاك سواقر
لعب كين وذا بيغ شو مع عضوي زا نيكسس دايفد التانقو ومايكل ماغيلاكاتي
انتهت المباراة بفوز زا نيكسس بسبب تدخل من سي ام بنك ضد كين لم يره الحكم
قام زا ميز باختيار المبارة التي سليعبها سينا لتكون مباراة No Holds Barred
واثناء خروج سينا .. قام جاك سواقر بمهاجمته .. ليعلن زا ميز ان سواقر هو خصم سينا
انتهت المبارة بفوز سينا .. بعد انو وجه ضربة AA لسواقر ثم بعدها STF
مما جعل جاك سواقر يستسلم بسرعة لجون سينا
بعد ذلك قال زا ميز ان ليد مفاجأة لجون سينا في عرض Over The Limit
ثم قام زا ميز وأليكس رايلي بمهاجمة جون سينا بماسورة معدنية
ولكن جون سينا استطاع التغلب عليهم وضرب كلامها ..
Began to offer the emergence of John we are not .. But before talking interrupted Alex Riley
View Alex Riley video footage that hit the Miz, John Cena Za
Then continued to Alex Loza Riley characterized the dialogue entrusted with John Cena
The display manager to give a chance Lza characterized .. To identify the game with John Cena wants a discount
× × × ×
Kofi Kingston match play with ICM Bank ..
The match ended in victory ICM Bank strike GTS
× × × ×
I played with Kelly Kelly, Brie Bella sharpener
The match ended in victory, but Kelly Kelly after the match ..
The Bella Twin attacked Kelly Kelly ..
Until the appearance of karma again and as it moves toward Kelly Kelly
Nicky has to attack .. But the karma was the strongest
And then went again about Kelly Kelly .. But did not attack them
× × × ×
Rey came out Msterio .. To ask for the challenge of R-Truth after it attacked him the previous week
But R-Truth did not Asjb him .. But Alberto responded Dalrio
The two then played match ended in victory for irrigation due to the intervention Msterio commentator on Balbrto Dalrio
After the match .. The R-Truth attacked Rey Msterio .. And agree to the challenge to play in the Over The Limit
× × × ×
Then appeared to sign the contract between Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole of the game in the Over The Limit
So if Michael Cole won the Jerry Lawler to the ring by giving its
And Jerry Lawler .. Could sabotage the relational between Michael Cole and Jack Soagher
× × × ×
Kane and The Big play with Shaw organic Za Nexus Altanico David and Michael Magalakata
The match ended in victory Za Nexus because of interference from the ICM Bank against Ken did not see government
× × × ×
Za has characterized the game by choosing to be Sliebha Cena match No Holds Barred
During the break Cena .. The Jack Soagher attacked him .. To announce that characterized the za is Soagher discount Sina
Cena match ended in victory .. After Anu was a blow to the AA Soagher then after STF
Making Jack Soagher surrender quickly to John Cena
Then said that Walid Za characterized as a surprise to John Cena in the presentation of Over The Limit
He then characterized the za and Alex Riley attacked John Cena metal pipe
But John Cena was able to beat them and beat her words ..
Began to offer the emergence of John we are not .. But before talking interrupted Alex Riley
View Alex Riley video footage that hit the Miz, John Cena Za
Then continued to Alex Loza Riley characterized the dialogue entrusted with John Cena
The display manager to give a chance Lza characterized .. To identify the game with John Cena wants a discount
× × × ×
Kofi Kingston match play with ICM Bank ..
The match ended in victory ICM Bank strike GTS
× × × ×
I played with Kelly Kelly, Brie Bella sharpener
The match ended in victory, but Kelly Kelly after the match ..
The Bella Twin attacked Kelly Kelly ..
Until the appearance of karma again and as it moves toward Kelly Kelly
Nicky has to attack .. But the karma was the strongest
And then went again about Kelly Kelly .. But did not attack them
× × × ×
Rey came out Msterio .. To ask for the challenge of R-Truth after it attacked him the previous week
But R-Truth did not Asjb him .. But Alberto responded Dalrio
The two then played match ended in victory for irrigation due to the intervention Msterio commentator on Balbrto Dalrio
After the match .. The R-Truth attacked Rey Msterio .. And agree to the challenge to play in the Over The Limit
× × × ×
Then appeared to sign the contract between Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole of the game in the Over The Limit
So if Michael Cole won the Jerry Lawler to the ring by giving its
And Jerry Lawler .. Could sabotage the relational between Michael Cole and Jack Soagher
× × × ×
Kane and The Big play with Shaw organic Za Nexus Altanico David and Michael Magalakata
The match ended in victory Za Nexus because of interference from the ICM Bank against Ken did not see government
× × × ×
Za has characterized the game by choosing to be Sliebha Cena match No Holds Barred
During the break Cena .. The Jack Soagher attacked him .. To announce that characterized the za is Soagher discount Sina
Cena match ended in victory .. After Anu was a blow to the AA Soagher then after STF
Making Jack Soagher surrender quickly to John Cena
Then said that Walid Za characterized as a surprise to John Cena in the presentation of Over The Limit
He then characterized the za and Alex Riley attacked John Cena metal pipe
But John Cena was able to beat them and beat her words ..
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