بدأ العرض بصور لـ ار تروث وهو يلقي بملابس لجون سينا من المعرض
ثم دخل بين الجماهير وبدا بالصراخ في اوجه مشجعي جون سينا
بعد ذلك خرج جون سينا إلى الحلبة .. ولكن ار تروث بدأ بتوجيه التهم له
ثم قام مدير العرض بتحديد مباراة بين ار تروث وجون سينا لاحقا
مباراة بين كوفي كنغستون ضد دولف زغلر
انتهت المباراة بفوز دولف زغلر ..
خرج ألبرتو دالريو وتحدث عن كسر قدم ذا بيغ شو
وقال ان ما حدث هو مجرد حادث
وان الاشياء السيئة تحدث للاشخاص السيئين
مباراة بين كل من ايف توريس و كيلي كيلي ضد التوأم بيلا
انتهت المباراة بفوز كيلي كيلي مع ايف
خرج مايكل كول وبدأ بالتحدث عن اعتداء أليكس رايلي على ذا ميز
ثم قام باستدعاء أليكس رايلي وسؤاله عما فعله في الاسبوع السابق
ولكن رايلي قال ان ما فعله اعطاه افضل شعور على الإطلاق
واثناء الحديث قام ذا ميز بمهاجمة أليكس رايلي من الخلف
ولكن أليكس رايلي استطاع التغلب على ذا ميز للمرة الثانية
مباراة بين سي ام بنك ضد ريمستيريو
فاز فيها سي ام بنك
خرجت كارما للتحدث عن الانهيار الذي حدث لها في العرض السابق
حيث قالت انها سوف تتوقف عن المنافسة لمدة عام .. بسبب الحمل
ولكن اعترض حديثها الاخوات بيلا .. ولكنهم ارتعبو بمجرد تحركها
مباراة بين جاك سواغر ضد ايفان بورن
استطاع ايفان بورن الفوز فيها
مباراة الحدث الرئيسي
جون سينا ضد ار تروث
انتهت المباراة بفوز ار تروث
بعد ان انتهى العد لجون سينا
Began to display images of R-Truth's clothes for the cast of the show John Cena
Then entered among the masses seemed to shout in the faces John Cena fans
Then John Cena came out to the ring .. But R-Truth began directing his charges
Then the display manager identifying a match between R-Truth and John Cena for later
× × × ×
Match between Kofi Kingston against Dolph Zgler
The match ended in victory Dolph Zgler ..
× × × ×
Alberto Dalrio out and talked about the break gave The Big Show
He said that what happened was an accident
And that bad things happen to bad people
× × × ×
Match between each of the Live Torres and Kelly Kelly against Bella Twin
The match ended in victory with Kelly Kelly Live
× × × ×
Michael Cole came out and began to talk about the attack on Alex Riley, a distinction
He then calls Alex Riley and ask him what he did in the previous week
But Riley said he did gave him the best feeling ever
As he speaks, he attacked The Miz Alex Riley from behind
But Alex Riley was able to overcome this distinction for the second time
× × × ×
Match between the ICM Bank against Rimssterio
Won by ICM Bank
× × × ×
Karma came out to talk about the collapse, which happened in the previous view
Where she will stop the competition for a year .. Due to pregnancy
But objected to her sisters Bella .. But they soon driven Artabo
× × × ×
Match between Jack Swagger Evan Bourne against
Evan Bourne was able to win
× × × ×
Match the main event
John Cena R Truth
The match ended in victory for R-Truth
Having finished the count for John Cena
Then entered among the masses seemed to shout in the faces John Cena fans
Then John Cena came out to the ring .. But R-Truth began directing his charges
Then the display manager identifying a match between R-Truth and John Cena for later
× × × ×
Match between Kofi Kingston against Dolph Zgler
The match ended in victory Dolph Zgler ..
× × × ×
Alberto Dalrio out and talked about the break gave The Big Show
He said that what happened was an accident
And that bad things happen to bad people
× × × ×
Match between each of the Live Torres and Kelly Kelly against Bella Twin
The match ended in victory with Kelly Kelly Live
× × × ×
Michael Cole came out and began to talk about the attack on Alex Riley, a distinction
He then calls Alex Riley and ask him what he did in the previous week
But Riley said he did gave him the best feeling ever
As he speaks, he attacked The Miz Alex Riley from behind
But Alex Riley was able to overcome this distinction for the second time
× × × ×
Match between the ICM Bank against Rimssterio
Won by ICM Bank
× × × ×
Karma came out to talk about the collapse, which happened in the previous view
Where she will stop the competition for a year .. Due to pregnancy
But objected to her sisters Bella .. But they soon driven Artabo
× × × ×
Match between Jack Swagger Evan Bourne against
Evan Bourne was able to win
× × × ×
Match the main event
John Cena R Truth
The match ended in victory for R-Truth
Having finished the count for John Cena
2 التعليقات:
العرض دة بتاريخ كام يابرنس
دة عرض الاسبوع الى قبل الى فات يا باشا
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