بدأ العرض بتحدث بريت هارت عن ما فعله في عرض Over The Limit
ولكن اعترض حديثه ار تروث .. ليتحدث عن ما يسميه مؤامرة ضده في wwe
وبعد ذلك خرج جون سينا .. لينضم إلى الحديث وبعدها تحديد مبارة الحدث الرئيسي
تم اقامة مباراة لاحزمة بطولة الفرق بين
بيغ شو وكين ضد ديفيد التانغو ومايكل ماغيلاكاتي
انتهت بفوز ديفيد التانغو ومايكل ماغيلاكاتي
بسبب تدخل من سي ام بنك لم يره الحكم
بعد المباراة قام البرتو دالريو بضرب بيغ شو
وقام بيغ شو بمطاردته .. حتى صدمه ريكاردو بسيارة
اجريت مباراة بين جاك سواقر و إيفان بورن
انتهت بفوز جاك سواقر
خرج بعد ذلك مايكل كول
وبدأ بالاعتذار من جيري لولر والجميع ومن المشاهدين
خرج بعد ذلك ذا ميز مع أليكس رايلي
وبدأ يلقي اللوم في الخسارة على أليكس رايلي مرارا وتكرارا
وطلب من مدير العرض فرصة اخري ليلعب على لقب wwe
ولكن مدير العرض .. رفض اعطائه فرصة اخرى
وبعد ذلك قام زا ميز بطرد اليكس رايلي وصفعه
ولكن أليكس رايلي قام بضرب ذا ميز بقوة .. ثم غادر
اجريت مبارة للنساء من 8 اشخاص
ولكن كارما اعترضت المباراة في اولها
ثم جلست في وسط الحلبة محاطة بالمصارعات الثمانية وبدأت تبكي
اجريت بعد ذلك مباراة بين كوفي كنغستون ضد درو ماكنتاير
انتهت بفوز كوفي كنغستون
مباراة الحدث الرئيسي مع وجود بريت هارت حكم خاص
جون سينا مع ريمستيريو .. ضد .. سي ام بنك مع ار تروث
انتهت المباراة بفوز جون سينا و ريمستيريو
بعد تدخل من الحكم بريت هارت
Show began refreshing Bret Hart for what he did in the presentation of Over The Limit
But objected to his R-Truth .. To talk about what he calls a conspiracy against him in the wwe
And then left John Cena .. To join the talk and then identify the main event match
× × × ×
Been set up to match the difference between a championship belts
Big Show and Kane against David Tango and Michael Magalakata
Ended in victory for David and Michael tango Magalakata
Because of interference from the C Bank has not been seen or judgment
× × × ×
After the match, Alberto Dalrio beat Big Show
The Big Show Bmtardth .. Even shock Ricardo car
× × × ×
Played a match between Jack and Ivan born Soagher
Ended in victory for Jack Soagher
× × × ×
Then came Michael Cole
And began an apology from Jerry Lawler and everyone and viewers
× × × ×
After that came a distinction with Alex Riley
And began to cast blame for the loss of Alex Riley again and again
He asked the Director of the offer another opportunity to play for the title of wwe
But the display manager .. Refused to give him another chance
After that, the Za characterized the expulsion of Alex Riley and slapped
But Alex Riley has beat The Miz strongly .. He then left
× × × ×
Match was held for women from 8 people
But karma intercepted the game in the first of
Then I sat in the center of the ring is surrounded by eight Balmassarat and started crying
× × × ×
Conducted after the match between Kofi Kingston against Drew McIntyre
Victory over Kofi Kingston
× × × ×
The main event match with Bret Hart special provision
John Cena with Rimssterio .. Against .. ICM Bank with R-Truth
The match ended in victory for John Cena and Rimssterio
After the intervention of government Bret Hart
Show began refreshing Bret Hart for what he did in the presentation of Over The Limit
But objected to his R-Truth .. To talk about what he calls a conspiracy against him in the wwe
And then left John Cena .. To join the talk and then identify the main event match
× × × ×
Been set up to match the difference between a championship belts
Big Show and Kane against David Tango and Michael Magalakata
Ended in victory for David and Michael tango Magalakata
Because of interference from the C Bank has not been seen or judgment
× × × ×
After the match, Alberto Dalrio beat Big Show
The Big Show Bmtardth .. Even shock Ricardo car
× × × ×
Played a match between Jack and Ivan born Soagher
Ended in victory for Jack Soagher
× × × ×
Then came Michael Cole
And began an apology from Jerry Lawler and everyone and viewers
× × × ×
After that came a distinction with Alex Riley
And began to cast blame for the loss of Alex Riley again and again
He asked the Director of the offer another opportunity to play for the title of wwe
But the display manager .. Refused to give him another chance
After that, the Za characterized the expulsion of Alex Riley and slapped
But Alex Riley has beat The Miz strongly .. He then left
× × × ×
Match was held for women from 8 people
But karma intercepted the game in the first of
Then I sat in the center of the ring is surrounded by eight Balmassarat and started crying
× × × ×
Conducted after the match between Kofi Kingston against Drew McIntyre
Victory over Kofi Kingston
× × × ×
The main event match with Bret Hart special provision
John Cena with Rimssterio .. Against .. ICM Bank with R-Truth
The match ended in victory for John Cena and Rimssterio
After the intervention of government Bret Hart
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