بدا العرض بمباراة بين كريستيان ضد شيماس
انتهت المباراة بفوز كريستيان بالتثبيت
بعد المباراة هجم شيماس ومارك هنري على كريستيان
ولكن مرة اخري تدخل اورتن .. ووقف بجانب كريستيان
تم عرض مباراة قديمة على حزام wwe
بين تربل اتش وبيغ شو
كانت المباراة من اقوى المباريات واروعها
تم انهاء المباراة بسبب تدخل كل من اندرتيكر ضد بيغ شو
وتدخل فلاديمير كوسلوف ضد تربل اتش
تم عرض فيديو عن حزام بطولة wwe
وعن الصراع بين زا ميز وجون سينا
وعن مبارة I Quit ( انا استسلم ) بينهما
وذلك في عرض Over The Limit الاحد القادم
مباراة بين بري بيلا ضد نتاليا
فازت فيها بري بيلا ..
خرج ايزيكل جاكسون يتحدث عن خروجه من فريق زا كور
ولكن خرج اعضاء زا كور ليهجمو على ايزيكيل ..
ولكن مدير العرض حدد لعبة جماعية لـ زا كور ضد ايزيكيل مع بيغ شو وكين
انتهت اللعبة بفوز ايزيكيل جاكسون باستسلام جاستين جابرييل
لعب تشافو غيريرو مباراة ضد دانيال برايان ..
بعد ان تحدى سين كارا ان يفوز على دانيال برايان في اقل من 5 دقائق
ولكن انتهى الوقت قبل فوز تشافو .. وبذلك يكون قد خسر
بعد ذلك قام سين كارا بالتدخل والهجوم على تشافو غيريرو
لعب تيد دبياسي مباراة ضد تريت باريتا ..
انتهت المباراة بفوز تيد دبياسي
لعب زا جريت كالي مباراة .. ضد جي اوسو
انتهت بفوز جريت كالي بعد كلمات من جندر ماحل
الذي ظهر في نصف المباراة
مباراة الحدث الرئيسي
راندي اورتن × مارك هنري
تم الغاء المباراة بسبب تدخل شيماس
بدا كل من شيماس ومارك هنري بضرب اورتن
وتدخل كريستيان ليقف مع اوتن بعد ان وقت فترة اما الحلبة ..
وانتهى العرض بوجود اورتن مع كريستيان يصافح كل منها الاخر
بعد ان قاما بضرب شيماس ومارك هنري
Seemed to offer a match between Christian against Himas
The match ended in victory for Christian installation
Attacked after the match, Mark Henry Himas the Christian
But once again enter the Orton .. And stood next to the Christian
× × × ×
Has been an old game on a belt wwe
Between Triple H and Big Show
The match of the strongest and most spectacular games
End the game was due to the intervention of both Undertaker against Big Show
And the intervention of Vladimir Kulov against Triple H
× × × ×
The video for wwe championship belt
And characterized the conflict between the Za and John Cena
And the match I Quit (I surrendered) between them
And that in the presentation of Over The Limit Sunday
× × × ×
Match between Brie Bella against Natalia
Brie Bella won ..
× × × ×
Out Aezekl Jackson talks about leaving the team Za Core
But out of the Core members of the Za Aahjmo to Ezequiel ..
But the display manager to select a team game for Za against Ezequiel Core with Big Show and Kane
The game ended with the surrender of the victory of Ezequiel Jackson Justin Gabriel
× × × ×
Chavo Guerrero played a match against Daniel Bryan ..
After Sen challenged Kara to win on Daniel Bryan in less than 5 minutes
But time is up before Chavo win .. And thus have lost
After that, the O. Kara to intervene and the attack on Chavo Guerrero
× × × ×
Ted played a match against Triet Dpiyasi baryta ..
The match ended in victory for Ted Dpiyasi
× × × ×
Great play Za Cali match .. Against G. Owusu
Ended in victory for Great Kali after the words of gender infertile
Which appeared in half of the game
× × × ×
Match the main event
Randy Orton Mark Henry ×
The match was canceled due to the intervention Himas
Seemed both Himas and Mark Henry beat Orton
And the intervention of Christian Oaten to stand with time after a period of either the ring ..
Display and ended the existence of Christian Orton shakes hands with each other
After that they beat Himas and Mark Henry
The match ended in victory for Christian installation
Attacked after the match, Mark Henry Himas the Christian
But once again enter the Orton .. And stood next to the Christian
× × × ×
Has been an old game on a belt wwe
Between Triple H and Big Show
The match of the strongest and most spectacular games
End the game was due to the intervention of both Undertaker against Big Show
And the intervention of Vladimir Kulov against Triple H
× × × ×
The video for wwe championship belt
And characterized the conflict between the Za and John Cena
And the match I Quit (I surrendered) between them
And that in the presentation of Over The Limit Sunday
× × × ×
Match between Brie Bella against Natalia
Brie Bella won ..
× × × ×
Out Aezekl Jackson talks about leaving the team Za Core
But out of the Core members of the Za Aahjmo to Ezequiel ..
But the display manager to select a team game for Za against Ezequiel Core with Big Show and Kane
The game ended with the surrender of the victory of Ezequiel Jackson Justin Gabriel
× × × ×
Chavo Guerrero played a match against Daniel Bryan ..
After Sen challenged Kara to win on Daniel Bryan in less than 5 minutes
But time is up before Chavo win .. And thus have lost
After that, the O. Kara to intervene and the attack on Chavo Guerrero
× × × ×
Ted played a match against Triet Dpiyasi baryta ..
The match ended in victory for Ted Dpiyasi
× × × ×
Great play Za Cali match .. Against G. Owusu
Ended in victory for Great Kali after the words of gender infertile
Which appeared in half of the game
× × × ×
Match the main event
Randy Orton Mark Henry ×
The match was canceled due to the intervention Himas
Seemed both Himas and Mark Henry beat Orton
And the intervention of Christian Oaten to stand with time after a period of either the ring ..
Display and ended the existence of Christian Orton shakes hands with each other
After that they beat Himas and Mark Henry
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